Implementing High Scores in Android

To implement high scores in an Android game, there are a few options- To use LocalStorage. To use a DB locally. To use a cloud based DB service, such as FireCloud. In this post I will be describing about how I have implemented highscores for my application QuizApp using LocalStorage. I will be talking about the other two in a later post. SharedPreferences is used to setup an acess to key-value pairs that can be stored locally on the device....

August 13, 2017 · 2 min · Shreyash Agarwal

QuizApp! for Android- What I learned developing my own quiz app

I have been using Android for the longest time I can remember, and I have never owned an iPhone. I love the Android platform and the openness it provides. My current device is a OnePlus One that is running Slim7 ROM. Android development has been on and off for me, but I was pretty familiar with Android because of my experience working in Ionic framework and a course in my college Curriculum called Mobile Application Development....

July 28, 2017 · 3 min · Shreyash Agarwal